Staff review:
“Make Your Music Soar with This Beastly Soft Synth”
"For DAW-based composers, software synthesis is often the most expedient route to forging a signature sound. The key is combining multiple synthesis types. Tracktion Hyperion is an advanced soft synth that, while immensely powerful, makes it easy to blend its multiple synthesis engines and shape your sound with precise control. Imagine deploying fat analog basses and searing sync leads, sparkling FM keys, evolving wave-sequenced pads, physically modeled woodwinds and plucked strings, and more — all from the same synth. Hyperion even has sample playback with looping and a dedicated multi-sample oscillator. Add in the ability to process your sounds through multiple filter types and a formidable multi-FX engine, and you’ve got a massive arsenal of creative firepower you can use to create characterful, highly original-sounding music — all for a song. Now that’s what musicians at Sweetwater call bang for your buck!"
"We’re blown away by the sheer power of Hyperion. The wealth of sonic textures on tap is staggering — and easy to access. Running a few instances of it could well supply you with almost all the sounds you need for a given project. Take Tracktion Hyperion for a spin. You will be impressed.”
SOS Magazine - review - Robin Vincent (v1.05):
“Playing through the layered presets of Hyperion is like an unfolding sonic adventure of deep swells, huge synths and elegant infusions.
Each of these ‘Combi’ patches seems designed to take you off onto musical journeys the moment your fingers fall on the keys. The sound design and patch creation in Hyperion are top notch and I’ve rarely felt so inspired by a new software synth.”
“Hyperion is a full-course meal of a synthesizer with an infinitely tweak-able heart of modular possibility. While the modular complexity can seem boggling, the quality of the presets keeps you enjoying the sound of it all until you feel the need to start digging into what’s going on.”
“The interplay between the layers is fantastic and opens it up to some massive textures and very performable combis. It’s delicious from the generously seasoned generation of sound, through the savoury modulations and into the ample desserts of the effects engine”
(Note that all of Robin’s concerns in his review of a very early version of Hyperion were addressed by updates which included animated modulation indicators on knobs, graphical edit panels, live waveform previews, and many other UX enhancements.)
Reek Havok:
Reek Havok:
“WOW, Hyperion is one of the few software synthesizers that sounds like a hardware synth. There is just something missing in software that makes it sound, contained is the closest word I can come up with. Hyperion and a very few others, manage to produce the icing on the cake that seems to be missing from most software synthesizers! I’m really enjoying it!”
(Reek Havok is an award-winning sound designer, studio musician and audio technologist with five platinum records to his credit. Under the guise of Sounds Amazing, he has brought exciting and engaging sounds to clients like Microsoft, Experience Music Project, Disney, Universal Studios, Seoul Korea Worlds Fair, Museum of Miniatures, Stax Museum of American Soul Music, numerous recording artists, and more. With a strong background in audio and technology, Reek Havok continues to create engaging and immersive sound design to VR and AR applications, games, musical instrument sounds, and presets.)
Benn Jordann -
“Blade2047 patch: "Wow.. well that's pretty amazing.. I hate to say it, but I feel like this is closer to feeling like I'm playing Bladerunner music than the Arturia CS80, which is one of my favorite plugins”
"The CPU is really good."
On the presets: "These are all so good sounding", " Yo... this is so nice"
"Wow...well that's pretty amazing. This is awesome."
Hyperion livestream:
Venus Theory (Cameron)
“ I don't know how many presets there are but it's a lot, they are pretty darn good, the factory library is very impressive. I think the interlayer modulation thing is pretty good, I really like that."
"That's a hell of a preset there! Holy sh*t"
Hyperion livestream:
Molten Music Techonology (Robin Vincent) -
"They did a fine job on the presets and that's ultimately what sells a synthesizer to you ... it has to be immediately impressive, and that's what this is and then it continues to be - and then there's more, and this is good and then wow you stumble upon oooh and so on - that's what a software synthesizer has to be and Hyperion has that in spades."
"I have every confidence and high hopes with Hyperion that it's just going to get better and better, I really enjoyed playing with it these last few days, more so than I imagined I thought I would ... very quickly those cynicisms, those 'oh I'm all about hardware these days', were quickly overturned because it sounds so great - you know it's on a level I think with something like Omniphere. It has that vibe of bringing together huge layers of sound, and it does have that very familiar big synth 80s/90s vibe about it. It's great, I've enjoyed it a lot."
Robin’s review - from a very early release of Hyperion:
(Note that all of Robin’s concerns in his review were addressed in later versions of Hyperion synth.)
S1gns Of L1fe:
“What CAN’T this synth do???”
“The best modular plugin of 2021?”
Reviews on KVR:
Reviewed By PierreG
March 28th, 2021
“Being a relative newbie to using synthesis in my composition work, I was apprehensive regarding Hyperion's modular approach, which indeed offers a rich environment for developing incredible patches, with my concern being that I'd be overwhelmed and distracted by a steep learning curve. What I've discovered is that the existing library of patches offers immediate inspiration and productivity. Better yet, tweaking these patches has been much friendlier than I'd expected, thus I'm finding great success and satisfaction in tweaking whats' already there, which simultaneously teaches me more about modular design.
Hyperion has been really solid on my very minimal Windows laptop while using it in Waveform 11.5. I'm also surprised how CPU friendly it is with complex patches. I can overwhelm my system with Hyperion's more complex patches, yet I find that I can par them down in those scenarios and still manage to obtain fantastic sound quality, with plenty of complexity to draw from.
I'm more and more enjoying creating generative audio, as well as experimenting with effects, both of which Hyperion facilitates very well. It's a blast building patches with the modules and seeing what comes from my less than fully informed modular design knowledge. So far, Hyperion has been very forgiving of my relative ignorance of modular wiring / design, which further encourages my exploration of it's immense array of capabilities.
Grateful for this amazing instrument, and very much looking forward to Hyperion's continuing evolution.”
Reviewed By Peter Mican
March 24th, 2022
“This is a fantastic synth, sounds incredible, and has endless options for creating awesome sounds.
The developer listens to his crowd and is working permanently on this product, updates are coming out frequently to increase the awesome features even more.
It's lightweight on the CPU too...
Don't miss that out, HYPERION is a MUST have;-).
Thank you for creating this fantastic software, nothing comparable out there.”
Reviewed By ThisBruceSmith
March 25th, 2022
“I've been composing music on electronic instruments for my own enjoyment since the 1980s and started doing stock music about ten years ago. I was looking for new sound inspirations a couple of years back when I came on Hyperion Synth.
Coming from the perspective of a composer, I wanted a tool that would allow me access to lots of aural potential without spending a lot of time tweaking settings. Although Hyperion offers you the opportunity to get as "lost in the weeds" of sound design as you might like, you don't have to. Paul, the developer, has provided a tremendous library of patches and "combis" (multi-patch instruments) suitable for multiple genres. He also includes "init" patches, which give you a head start in creating various kinds of sounds.
And how various those sounds are! I would argue that most of the history of electronic music is represented somewhere in this product. Over the course of my life, I've had the pleasure of owning a Roland Alpha Juno-2, a Yamaha DX keyboard (FM synthesis) and an Ensoniq sample-based instrument. Sounds from all these traditions, and more, are possible using Hyperion Synth; best of all, it's software based.
These days I like to create soundscapes with lush ambient washes and Hyperion provides lots of that. However, you can also create fat leads, weird SFX, biting pianos, and so on. I would dare to say its potential is limited only by your own imagination.”
Reviewed By thesublibrarian
April 11th, 2022
“Great synth. The sound quality of the pure oscillators is great but when you throw in wavesequencing oscillators, fm oscillators samples and per voice granulation...well things just get out of hand awesome;).
I've always had fun the modular approach, and this to me is the 'right' way to do a modern UI for a modular concept (though I also like what Madrona Labs does). It provides all the satisfaction of connecting virtual cables but without any unnecessary clutter or (still way to common) skeuomorphic design. It's clean, easy to see whats happening, and infinitely organizable.
Because of this modular design this synth is also an absolute power house - any particular patch can be as packed full of modulators and oscillators and effects as your cp you can handle, AND you can have multiple layers of patches. The sound design is already limitless - and the developer is quite active regularly updating and expanding the synth. If you own it - you know. If you don't own it, I suggest you get yourself 'experienced' :).”
Comments in youtube videos:
Benn Jordan live stream on Hyperion v1.10:
Benn on NostalgicCombiArps patch - "Oh wow, this is awesome"
Benn - playing last patch "Woooooo.. that was awesome.. thank you so much Wavesequencer, for everything ... in this world :)"
Gernot Pflueger - I find the simplicity appealing
Samuel Collis-Bird -Synth seems really cool. Enjoying everything coming out of these weekly streams.
Michael Bauer - Gotta check out that demo version - this seems awesome.
Brendan Kinzler - Hyperion sounds great! Thanks for showing us Benn, never a bad stream from you
Tsonus - Awesome stream! Thanks Benn, and @Wavesequencer! Hyperion looks and sounds absolutely fantastic! <3
Hypotheses 13 - Excellent livestream Benn. Hyperion sounds awesome, thank you Wavesequencer.\
FilchMedia - This sounds amazing... easy purchase decision
Loke - This synth reminds me of MSoundFactory, but with finer controls. It seems so good.
Linus Mellström- Looks interesting... I'll probably try it even if i don't win
Phil Schalm - Definitely going to pick up Wavesequencer up if I don't win it!
HarrisonFnord - Maybe this will make me feel better about my Max/MSP license being 2 full versions out of date
Aedric- Cant wait to try this out
calzar onezerozeroone - Wow this looks really neat! great sounds!
corno - usually i'm pretty "meh" on multi-timbral synths but the fact that this one lets you route modulation between the different layers is pretty cool
Hypotheses 13 - This is very intriguing, I will put it on my list to purchase. Great work Wavesequencer and Benn.
Brutus Undercroft - I'm really digging this synth. I'd probably just wander and wander through sounds for ages. (It's what I end up doing with the game Fract OSC)
The Random Craftsman - gonna need to grab this sounds awesome
Gernot Pflueger - kudos@WavesequencerGernot Pflueger - If Vangelis and a Sitar had a love child ...
calzar onezerozeroone - Oh that feels good on the ears nice!
Brutus Undercroft - Man... I'm reminded of the period when I was suuuper into Tangerine Dream.
Dieter Pomberger - cool
Brutus Undercroft - Okay. I love the rosiny strings, there.
Aquatic Borealis - Beautiful soundNico Fyve - @Wavesequencer The presets sound absolutely gorgeous!
Brutus Undercroft - Seriously, there's so much to love in here. And I don't often say that about anything.
FilchMedia - $130 is a steal already
calzar onezerozeroone - Oooo ok heck yeah!
Venus Theory live stream:
Cameron: " I don't know how many presets there are but it's a lot, they are pretty darn good, the factory library is very impressive. I think the interlayer modulation thing is pretty good, I really like that."
"That's a hell of a preset there! Holy sh*t"
Basis Lager - just bought and a world class vst
gesslr- Hyperion is an amazing piece of kit. Well worth the cost IMHO.
Andy Dutchman - Sounds like the Subnautica soundtrack to me. I love it
Luciano Catarin - This Is an incredible VST synth
Virtual Modular - Interesting, and sounds good too.
live chat:
SysimustaSielu - I already have had Hyperion for couple of weeks and the sounds it produces...simply amazing..
This Guy - this looks pretty sweet. bring it on!
Dieter Pomberger - Hyperion is great! Bought it and so should you :D
Music - It does sound great already. So I'm glad you're spreading awareness of the synth with this video.
Gernot Pflueger - @Wavesequencer ... I bought Hyperion full price after seeing it at Benn ... I already had a lot of fun. I love it!
Aquatic Borealis - Hyperion is quite nice sounding
Frankenmizer - lovely plugin - thank you for the look at it
Doug Smith - literally just joined and that sounds sick wtf lmao
calzar onezerozeroone - Oh thats super rad! cool cool
Some comments from Hyperion youtube channel videos:
Nico Fyve - Great demo video for your totally awesome synth with your equally awesome factory patches. With Hyperion it's easy to loose track of time, because it's so much fun to play!
Luciano Catarin - Starting from 18"45 incredible inspiring and soooooooooo dreaming pad directly from Heaven ,my respects ,sooooooooo emotional patch
Luciano Catarin - With this VST synth ,One can create all sounds of old Oberheim,Yamaha,Roland , Korg,Prophet and Arp sounds
D & G Sound - Bought the synth, subscribed to your youtube channel, feeling happy and fulfilled, thank you, Paul!
Ian Greaves - Sounds great and gets better with every update
Fabian- Sounds awesome! Love it! :
Philippe Lebraud - Just downloaded the 1.12 version... but just a demo... Nice sounds BTW...
toadmanxtro - super awesome sounds!
Luciano Catarin - I am hypnotized by some faaaaaaaaaantastic pads
Craig Phillips - Loving these new patches!
nichttuntun - This thing sounds really good and very interesting. Greatly done synth.
dirk keersmaekers - Sometime there coming out real good soft synths!
toadmanxtro - one of the best, if not the best - look forward to trying the demo!!!
Peter Lee - This is magnificent.
Luciano Catarin - Only Two words: fantaaaaaaaaaaaaaadtic sounds
VstLand - Very Good Sounds !!
Torru Gale- fantastic
Hurty18 - so cool
A few comments in the Hyperion discord channels:
Philip — 03/05/2021
Cheers Paul! Checking out the Hyperion site and listening to the demos, which are fantastic.
George Martínez — 03/09/2021
Amazing work as always! It's outstanding all your dedication!
davethetester — 03/14/2021
also, wanted to say that I really love the A/D latch option on the ADSRs, makes it really easy to do some fantastic "cloud of notes" effects with some of the pad patches
Jeeks — 03/21/2021
It sounds great!
George Martínez — 03/21/2021
I also like that it's a really good tool to understand the signal flow/data processing of a synth!!! Almost like a test equipment for understanding how does basic elements works :3
gnapier — 03/21/2021
Hey Paul! Meant to say congrats. It was a pleasant surprise to see the Tracktion email this morning. The site looks great, the videos are top. Wishing you massive success on such a great product. Be sure to give yourself a small break when you can! Cheers.
c0nsilience — 03/31/2021
No offense whatsoever to Tracktion ( I got Biotek when it first came out) but the ‘Tracktion presents’ plugins are killer!
[3:47 PM]
What does anyone else need beside WaveRazor, Spacecraft, and Hyperion?
Abstract Operator — 03/21/2021
Totally alive finally! One friend of mine is already thinking of buying that, so... He was impressed by the capabilities when i showed him some of my patches in a little demo song. Now Hyperion is "living".
satong0102 — 07/06/2021
I am testing v1.08 .
Large patch browser is so convenient .
Philip — 07/31/2021
Hyperion Rocks! Fantastic feature tutorial!
CryptoTecky — 08/19/2021
Thank you. I have to compliment you on your programming skills. The sheer number of features is truly inspiring. And I can't believe how little CPU time is used. I'd be in a constant state of crackling and latency if I tried to do these combo patches in VCVRack. I'm a seasoned C/C++ programmer myself so I really appreciate what you've created here. Thanks! (edited)
Mediaeam — 08/25/2021
Reposting here from a YouTube comment I did.
I purchased this a week ago and this is quite fantastic! Feels like the 70s all over again when synths where rapidly making the scene (I'm old). Quick question, I'm working in Nuendo/Cubase producing Dolby Atmos soundscapes and need a little direction on how to optimize the audio output for 7.1.2.
Nico5 — 09/03/2021haha - that's what you get for building a fantastic modular - people get ideas!!
Nico5 — 09/03/2021the v-glide is super cool !
[12:00 PM]
@wavesequencer By the way, it's really rare to have someone as highly skilled as you in both, audio software development as well as in sound design. Hyperion is such a showcase of both. -- I bow in respect!
Nico5 — 10/04/2021@wavesequencer Thanks for that great update! -- The mono retrigger gives me great joy with the lead patches! And the localized tooltips make it even more inviting to dive into programming. Love the new video, too! Very mesmerizing. It's practically an album disguised as a demo.